Sha dit que una bona idea associada a un bon màrqueting pot esdevenir un fenomen social, independentment de la seva veracitat. El producte Power Balance® es proposa per millorar lequilibri, a més daltres aspectes físics (força, flexibilitat...). Nhi ha prou en portar una polsera. Lobjectiu de lestudi ha estat determinar si Power Balance® és capaç de millorar lequilibri, diferenciant-ne lefecte de lanomenat efecte placebo.
Material i mètodesVan participar voluntàriament a lestudi 30 subjectes físicament actius (22 homes i 8 dones) duna mitjana dedat de 24,4 anys. Es van dur a terme dos tests dequilibri (Standing Balance Test i Star Excursion Balance Test) amb metodologia cec i es van comparar les dades obtingudes en tres situacions: control, placebo i polsera.
ResultatsEn comparar els resultats obtinguts en situació control i polsera no es van trobar diferències. Tampoc no sen van trobar en comparar placebo i polsera. En canvi, sen van trobar de significatives en quatre components de lStar Excursion Balance Test en comparar la situació control amb la situació placebo (p < 0,05). Per tant, no hi ha diferències entre usar un placebo i usar Power Balance®, i lefecte que un dels dos pot produir és degut a la suggestió.
ConclusionsPower Balance® no millora lequilibri. No hi ha diferència entre utilitzar Power Balance® o utilitzar un placebo.
It has been proposed that a good idea associated to good marketing can become a social phenomenon, regardless of its veracity. Besides many other physical aspects, like strength and flexibility Power Balance® is intended to improve balance just by wearing the bracelet. The purpose of the study is to determine if Power Balance® is able to improve balance, and distinguishing its effects from that known as the «placebo effect».
Material and methodsA total of 30 physically active volunteers participated in the study (22 males and 8 females) with an average age of 24.4years. Two balance tests took place (Standing Balance Test and Star Excursion Balance Test), using «blinding techniques». We then compared all the data obtained in the 3 different situations control, placebo and bracelet.
ResultsThere were no significant differences when comparing bracelet and control. There were no differences comparing placebo and bracelet. However, we did find differences in four components of Star Excursion Balance Test when comparing the control situation with the placebo situation. But there were no differences when using placebo and using Power Balance. The effects of any of them may be due to suggestion.
ConclusionsPower Balance® did not improve balance. There was no difference between Power Balance® and placebo.