The objective of this study is to determine the relationship between injury incidence (IL) and maturity stage in male elite handball players. A prospective study was conducted during two seasons, evaluating the sports injuries, maturity status and exposure time in hours in 133 young handball players, using the UEFA methodology model for epidemiological studies.
The maturity stage with different parameters is presented, as well as Tanner’s stage, puberty stages, peak high velocity, testicular volume, and the bone age. Finally, 190 injuries from a total of 34,222 hours of exposure were registered.
The mean total Injury Incidence (IL) by categories was 5.6 injuries/1000 hours of exposure. Injury incidence during competition: 21.8 injuries/1000 hours and in training: 3.1 injuries/1000 h, with no statistically significant differences between IL, chronological age, and different maturity stages using ANOVA.
The multivariate statistical analysis showed a tendency of associations between IL in competition category (P = .07), and the IL in training for Tanner (P = .091) and puberty (P = .021).
In conclusion: There was a significant difference in total IL by age categories in handball players, and there was a statistically significance tendency as regards some maturity stages using multivariate analysis. This last result should be taken into account when planning training seasons and strategies for injury prevention in the context of the handball training.
Journal Information
Vol. 50. Issue 185.
Pages 5-14 (January - March 2015)
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Vol. 50. Issue 185.
Pages 5-14 (January - March 2015)
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Prospective study of maturity, development, and injury incidence in a professional Handball Academy. Could ‘maturational status’ be a risk factor for injury incidence in different handball team categories?
Mauricio Mónacoa, Mauricio Mónacob, Mauricio Mónacoc, José A. Gutiérrez Rincóna, José A. Gutiérrez Rincónd, J. Bruno Montoro Ronsanoe, Franchek Drobnica, Franchek Drobnicf, Lluís Til Péreza, Lluís Til Pérezf, Lourdes Ibáñez Todag, Carles Pedret Carballidoh, Carles Pedret Carballidoi, Joan Nardi Vilardagaj, Gil Rodasa
a Serveis Mèdics, Futbol Club Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya
b Unitat de Pediatria Primària, Xarxa Sanitària i Social de Santa Tecla, Tarragona, Espanya
c Departament de Cirurgia, Facultat de Medicina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Espanya
d Consell Català de lEsport, Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Espanya
e Servei de Farmàcia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Espanya
f GIRSANE CAR Sant Cugat del Vallès - Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa, Barcelona, Espanya
g Secció dEndocrinologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Espanya
h Unitat de Medicina de lEsport, Clínica Diagonal, Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Espanya
i Unitat de Medicina del Tennis, Clínica Mapfre, Barcelona, Espanya
j Departament de Cirurgia, Servei de Traumatologia i Ortopèdia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Hospital Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Espanya
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